What is Farcaster?
Farcaster is a decentralized social network built on Ethereum.
It is a public social network similar to Twitter and Reddit where users can create profiles, post "casts" and follow others. The difference is that users own their accounts and relationships with other users and are free to move between different apps and clients.
Get started at warpcast.com and join the conversation in the /kendama channel.
What is Rounds.wtf?
Rounds is an easy and fun way for communities to reward contributors. It enables casts within a channel to be qualified to earn a portion of a rewards pool based on the number of likes their posts receive.
Find participating communities and learn more at rounds.wtf.
So how does it work?
It's simple! All you need to do is sign up for a Farcaster account on warpcast.com and post your own kendama content in the /kendama channel. This could be a clip of you doing a trick, a picture of you and/or your favorite kendama, or even just a brief statement about your experience with kendama and what it means to you.
Casting after the round begins on November 17, 2024 will automatically enter you into the round, and when the round ends you will earn a portion of the prize pool based on the number of likes your cast receives. Good luck!